Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Music Monday: Los Campesinos!

Hi everyone. I'm Jessica, Matt's sister. He's letting me post here once a week. I know he mentioned Los Campesinos once before, but hey, I have some new info and a different video. Enjoy. PS, This post is cross-posted at The Joy of Daily Living.

Los Campesinos! photo from kevchino.com

Los Campesinos! have been my favorite band this year & they are COMING TO THE UNITED STATES SOON! WOO HOO! Go to their myspace page to hear their music and see the tour schedule. (In Chicago on February 7th baby!)

Okay, so I jumped ahead of myself. Los Campesinos are a deliciously poppy UK 7-person group. Sometimes all seven of them sing/shout in unision! YES! Their music is exciting, energetic, and in my humble opinion, a perfect example of the Twee genre. The lyrics are actually deep and sometimes depressing, which makes the whole experience as a listener richer. That said, get listening! Here is Los Campesinos!'s video for You! Me! Dancing!

Oh & for those who wonder, "los campesinos" is a Spanish term that means country person, peasant, or farmer.

(Oh & you might've noticed it's Tuesday already...forgive me! It's the holidays!)

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