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I figure after last week, why not continue with the foreign language theme? L.E. Flaco is a hip-hop artist I found back when I was in school and trying to learn Spanish. I figured I could find songs I like, memorize the lyrics, translate them, and then magically be fluent in Spanish.
It didn't work. Still, L.E. Flaco was super cool when I sent him myspace messages (in broken Spanish, I'm sure) and we corresponded the best we could for a bit. He lives in Madrid, Spain with a beautiful girlfriend and really cool dog. I know this because they were mentioned in just about the only lyrics I could translate!
L.E. Flaco's flows are tight and fast over quality production. Click here for his myspace. Here is one of his videos. I love when he throws in some English ("hurry up," "don't worry").
Here's another of his newer videos.
When I corresponded with him I asked what his lyrics are about, but since he isn't fluent in English it was hard to grasp. Many have social and political themes (or at least did in 2006). Because I'm so used to Mexican Spanish, it's really hard for me to pick up words with his Spanish accent. I just here "th, th, th" and then one or two words I can catch.
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