Monday, November 24, 2008

Los Campesinos, Ra Ra Riot

here are a few groups i've been listening to lately that are sort of in the same vein, sort of an indie pop/rock/punk thing with not all the usual instruments, los campesinos being a little more raucous of the two.  i would include vampire weekend since everything i've read about ra ra riot compares the two, but i've only heard a few of their songs and can't say i was as intrigued.  here are two videos i found on youtube:

"death to los campesinos" los campesinos

"can you tell" ra ra riot (on letterman)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rachel Yamagata

a friend sent me Elephants... Teeth Sinking Into Heart a while ago, and i really like it.  when i first got it, it was only in one folder of sound files on my computer, so i didn't realize that this was a two-disc set.  but after finding this out, it made a lot of sense, with the title and all and the variation in style.  the first disc is much softer and gentler with really nice string arrangements, and the second is much more rocking.  i definitely prefer the first.  the rock sounds slightly outdated to me.  but i do think it's an interesting concept.  i think the softer arrangements really showcase the full range of her voice, which sounds to me like a cross between fiona apple and damien rice.  here's "duet," which features her with ray lamontagne, who also has a great voice that is quite similar to hers when you put them up to one another.